October 07, 2005

Hasta la vista... bottle!

How early would it be to get drunk during the week?
In England I would say that 7pm is a good hour to start drinking, 8pm the hour you start to laugh a lot and around 9pm you will be really drunk.
Some interesting things:
1) They first go to a pub and start drinking early (that I knew...)
2) They drink really fast a pint, which is almost half a litter (that I only experienced here…)
3) 1+2= you get really drunk very fast and very early!

Oh... and there is a thing called terminator. When you think things can't get worse... they do!

Some start earlier than this, but that is the major league. I am still amateur.
But I am learning... I will now go to the students reception party in my Faculty. Lots of free wine and beer from 4pm until...
I hope there is no terminator there!!!

Hasta la vista... bottle!

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