September 08, 2006

Starbucks is coming!!!

Starbucks is coming to Portugal. Finally!
Everytime I go to another country it is always the closest I get to the great coffee we have in Portugal. Every other coffee place it is just shit... like Café Nero, Costa and similar things.
Although I will keep drinking the traditional coffee in other places, it will be good to drink the frapucinos, almond mochas or eat cookies sometimes. ;)

And I know someone that will be very happy with this news... isn't that right Mr. Rick? ;)

The news article (in portuguese) can be seen here.


Anonymous said...

Dude, I hated Starbucks. Overpriced as hell, and the quality... in NY there was always a line, even though there was a Starbucks in everycorner.

Rick said...

Normally I'm not so big on globalization, but I fully support Starbucks in their endeavors... even if their espresso is a bit bitter compared to European standards.

Hooray! Now I have more reasons to go to Lisbon!

gaZpar said...

jonsi: yeah. It is not the best thing in the world for us that are used to good coffee. However, for me is always my salvation when I am in another country since it is the closest we get to a good coffee. Of course every starbucks is different from the other and in some the coffee is good and in others it is not! I guess you had the bad quality starbucks... ;)

Rick: I was a good enough excuse for you to go to Lisbon. But now you have one more. ;)
As long as more Macdonalds don't open in Lisbon, I am ok with this kind of globalization. Although only one starbucks is needed. More than that is a plague... ;)

Anonymous said...

What?!? Only ONE Starbucks? What are you smoking?

I won't go all the way from Rato to Baixa just to visit the only Starbucks. I won't be happy until there's one every two kilometers. :) Just kidding.

PS - because of stupid Blogger Beta, I can no longer comment normally on your blog! F#ck*ng Blogger!!

gaZpar said...

Boooh! You starbucks lover. :P