August 16, 2006

To write or not to write

I've been wondering if I should end this blog or not...
I started it to describe my period in the UK, the cultural experiences, some photos, etc
I am not there anymore and all my travelling periods won't be as long as 1 year.
Even my co-writer stopped blogging here.
I have a portuguese blog in which I invest most of my creativity and time and I feel that this one is just getting boring...
The only thing that prevents me from doing it are my english speaking friends that don't read portuguese...

I don't know... any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Start writting the posts that interest your non portuguese speaking friends in your other blog, the portuguese speaking audience wont mind :).

onmywaytoheaven said...

that's a "hintch"...or...u can always post something when u just feel like it...when u feel it makes (non)sense ;)

gaZpar said...

Jonsi: doing that would take some of the character of the portuguese one, since my aim was always to write only in portuguese. It is an option anyway. Thank you! ;)
I think what will happen is what Inixion says, until one day I finally decide to end the blog...

Thanks for the suggestions. :)

Rick said...

There's a time and a place for everything. I've started and stopped two blogs now, and don't feel bad about not writing on them anymore. They were good for the purpose I used them for at the time... but they're not needed now. This sounds like a very similar situation.

If your "english speaking friends" means Syndie and I, we have other ways of keeping in touch with you and knowing what you're doing.

I give you my blessing to close So Cosmo of Me.

gaZpar said...

Ok. You are right. I'll keep it until I feel I want it. And yes it is mostly you guys.
For now I can write stuff about my trip to the US.
Lets see what the future has to offer.

Thanks for the comments everyone!