September 26, 2005

A day in the life of a color blind... and everything after

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What if you were in the london and wanted to take the "tube", with all those colours corresponding to different lines and you were colour blind?

Well... you could always look at the station you were in. But what if different lines with different colours cross at the same station?

Well... you could go to the line you were supposed to, by reading the name in the wall, but you would have to think which direction, when would you have to get out... and all this takes time to think and to go there.

And what if, after this, you realised you had a bus to catch at the airport and the time was running out?

And what if all this stress and crossing the airport from terminal 2 to terminal 3 (15min or more), you got to the station only to find there was more than 1 hour delay for the bus to departure?

And what if when you finally got to your destination (4h30min and a sleeping pill after), only to find that the empty taxis didn't stop to pick you up (for some weird reason)... and you had to do a 15min walk to your home, with 2 huge bags and rain in the final meters?

Well... its a day in the life of a colour blind... and everything after that.

Time is running out... by Muse

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