September 13, 2005

The lost art of taking a bath

Mr. "I am so cutie in blondie" - Student from Norway

I woke up a little tired. After all, we did make a journey of 4h30min by bus from London to Plymouth yeasterday.
There is a strange portuguese guy that slept in the same room as I, along with a spanish guy.
That's cool... he talks to me in english, with him in spanish and with that other brasilian couple in portuguese.

Well... the only problem was this morning. He told me that, because there were so many people in the hostel taking a bath, the water run out. Lets see:

1: he started taking bath in the room upstairs.
2: he notticed that he forgot the shower gel, so he had to take bath with shampoo.
3: the water run out... after he had put shampoo all over is body.
4: he waited and waited for the water to come... but it didn't.
5: he had to dry with the towel, covered in shampoo.
6: he went to the bathroom downstairs.
7: the hot water run out (in this bathroom there was both cold and hot water).
8: he still had shampoo on his body...
9: he had to take bath with cold water and the window opened.
10: his balls shrunk!
11: he returned to the room.
12: in the kitchen he drunk a juice of orange, lemon and pineaple, that opened a hole in his stomach...

But he seems happy! Well... I am not surprised. After all... he is a strange guy.

Other lost arts:

The Queens of the Stone Age - The lost art of keeping a secret


VickVapoRub said...

Er.... i was noticing some strange smell here. Just didn't notice it was from THAT far away. Diverte-te amorrrrrr

gaZpar said...

You bastard!!! :P Obrigado. :)