September 14, 2005

Double or nothing?

- I want a double espresso to take away please.
- Ok. That will be 1.30£
- ...
- ...
- (ok... I hope you die with a very unpleaseant desease. That your hair and teeth fall out, your skin erupts with strange liquids and your nose gets huge warts. I hope your eyes get eaten by cockroachs and you get washed away by acid rain. I hope you will have many years of bad luck and that all your children be born without brain... 1.30£??? I think I am beeing too nice!!!) Ok, thank you. Good bye.
(have a nice life... bitch!)


lampejo said...

I will leave you a comment, but if the word in Portuguese sometimes becomes difficult do tell and write, in ingles they seem almost impossible..
I would finish for putting the feet for the hands…

Na nossa bonita língua:
Força e dedicação, mas com moderação, para não queimares algum fusível.

gaZpar said...

Em português expressas-te muito bem. ;) Não tenhas esses complexos. eh eh. thanks!